OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Normal
Cardiac: Normal
Patella: Normal

EIC: Clear
CNM: Clear

DM: Clear

PK Deficiency: Clear

MCD: Clear

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 1: Clear

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome 2: Clear

HUU: Clear

NARC: Clear
RD/OSD: Clear

HPNK: Clear


CYS: Clear

CMS: Clear

CDDY with IVDD: Clear

Stargardt Disease: Clear

Laryngeal Paralysis/Polyneuropathy: Clear

Myotonia Congenita: Clear

PRA/crd4: Clear

SK2: Clear

MTM1: Clear

Elliptocytosis: Clear

GR-PRA2: Clear

CopperTox A: (Safety) 

Copper Tox B:

CDPA: Clear

Ichthyosis: Clear

Ullrich Congenital Mus Dys 1: Clear

Ullrich Congenital Mus Dys 2: Clear

Masons Vienna Falls Downtown

DNA: eeBB: Yellow

Weight: 61 lbs

Health Clearances

Vienna is a farm and raised girl that has a wonderful temperament. She is short and stocky like her mom was but has the thicker head like her sire Hoss. She has a very dual purpose lineage going from field to the show ring and we look forward to seeing what potential her pups have as well.
